NYSCVM Tower Road
Ithaca, NY 14853


Cardiology Trainee Award

The ESVC is sponsoring a cardiology trainee award for oral research abstract and poster presented at ECVIM-CA Congress in the cardiology program.

 2024 Winners:

1st ORAL
Alessandra Franchini: Three-dimensional echocardiographic determinants of the age of onset of myxomatous mitral valve disease in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels dogs.

2nd ORAL
Brogan Atkinson: Echocardiographic indices of reverse cardiac remodeling and outcome predictors in dogs undergoing mitral valve repair.

3rd ORAL
Alessandra Maffei: New electrocardiographic algorithm for the diagnosis of fast supraventricular tachycardias in dogs

Giovanni Grosso: Echocardiographic reference intervals of the two- and three-dimensional size of the right atrium: a prospective study in 195 healthy dogs.

Giovanni Grosso: Effect of echocardiographic imaging view and imaging mode on variability of left ventricular wall thickness measurements in normal cats and cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Berenice Bichelberger: A case series of 5 cats with bacterial pericarditis with purulent pericardial effusion.


  1. Cardiology residents, cardiology interns and cardiology graduate students are eligible for this award
  2. For oral presentations, the presenter has to be the cardiology trainee and first author of the abstract
  3. For posters, the cardiology trainee has to be first author of the abstract
  4. The presenter should be currently enrolled in a training program or within 1 year from termination of this program (in this case the work presented has to be performed at the institution of training)


  1. Judging is provided by ESVC board members
  2. Any conflict of interest from board member has to be disclosed before the congress. If a conflict of interest is disclosed, the involved board member will not judge the relevant specific abstract.
  3. All abstracts are ranked based on the following criteria
    • Scientific content
    • Clinical importance
    • Scientific language
  4. Oral presentations are ranked on the following criteria
    • Scientific content
    • Quality of presentation including organization/power point slides
    • Management of questions
  5. Poster are ranked on the following criteria
    • Scientific content
    • Quality of poster including graphics, clarity, and organization
  6. The following awards are given
    • Best poster: 250 Euro + BSVA book
    • Best oral presentation: 800 Euro
    • Second best oral presentation: 500 Euro + BSVA book